I’m really looking forward to working with you to understand the role that food plays in your life and look at ways you might use that knowledge to create a more peaceful experience.

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Let’s get started!!


First, I’d like to get to know a little about your history and would very much appreciate if you would download this pre-work document.  I hope you will enjoy this opportunity to take a look at various aspects of who you are.

Fill out your responses, save the document, and when you’re done, you can email it to me.  Please have this sent to me at least 24 hours before our first session so that I can review your work and consider areas where we might begin our work together.

If you have any problems downloading this document, please email me and I’ll get the document to you.

Book your coaching sessions

If you’d like us to record coaching sessions, schedule your first session here.  You’ll be provided with call in details for my private conference line that has the ability to record the session and I’ll email you a link to the recording within 24 hours of each session.  The recordings will be for your private use only should you want to review what we’ve discussed during a session.

If you’d prefer not to record our coaching sessions, schedule your first session here.  You’ll be prompted to enter a phone number where I can reach you.

Once you’ve reserved your first session, I’ll extend the reservation on my calendar to repeat every week at the same time, until we’ve completed 6 sessions.


Finally, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problems with this automated process.