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How would you describe your experience during the session
Did you notice anything after the session - during the days or weeks following
Did you experience chaos (old issues lifting out) after the session? How did you handle that?
Do you have any questions for me?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?
Would you be okay with providing a testimonial to be posted on my website?
Testimonial Information
If you elected not to fill out testimonial information, please scroll past this section to the submit button where you can end this session. Thank You!!
Would you like to script your own testimonial or would you be okay with me scripting one based on information you've already provided?
I'll write my own testimonial
Do it for me
Testimonial in your words
Please provide your website URL if you'd like me to link to your site with as part of your Testimonial
Please upload a photo if you'd like it included with your Testimonial
Max. file size: 500 MB.
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