“In my collaboration with Maryna, I found her to be insightful, empathetic, knowledgeable and dedicated. Maryna is passionate about her profession and has a way of taking the convoluted and simplifying it into practical do-able action. I can truly say I have been enriched by my experiences with Maryna.”
Jodi Seery, Life Coach (Shift Life Design)
“I have enjoyed knowing Maryna for over 20 years. She has been the most wonderful friend and confidante. Since Maryna has been involved with life coaching, I personally have worked with her these past few months. In addition, I have referred all my friends to her. During these chaotic times when everything is moving at light speed, it has helped just to sit quietly and do some serious introspection. Maryna has provided me with the tools and the wherewithal to think about things differently, basically a fresh, new perspective. It has proven to be extremely helpful with decisions moving forward. I would definitely recommend her services to anyone that needs to sort things out and move forward with a new perspective and attitude. Kudos to you Maryna for taking on the challenge of helping those of us that could use a refresher on our old ways of looking at our lifestyles and decision making processes.”
Karon L. Kennedy, LUTCF (www.karonkennedy.com)
“Maryna’s lifecoaching sessions have been life-changing! Maryna works in a very personal, caring manner, while at the same time being very real and thought-provoking. The experience with her touched me so deeply that I still can hear her voice in the back of my head giving me little reminders throughout my day. I cannot say enough good words about Maryna and highly recommend her as a lifecoach to give yourself a chance at real happiness!
Jessica Simmons
“It is rare in life to encounter someone who can listen deeply; however, Maryna has that precious gift. She is able to hear the thoughts between and beneath the spoken words and offer those thoughts as rich jewels. Sometimes the jewels are polished and lovely but more likely they are rough and raw, yet Maryna holds them gently for inspection, without judgment or evaluation. And her deep insights allow those jewels to be examined in new ways that allow the light to shine through. The jewel box of my life has been greatly enriched by my time with Maryna and the light and joy of each of those jewels has energized me towards significant life changes that are greatly impacting my health and wholeness. Thank you so much, Maryna!”
Rev. Judith Foster Reese
A friend referred me to Maryna and not knowing what to expect, working with a Life Coach, I thought this might be helpful. Helpful is an understatement. We did not spend much time going over my past because for me, it is just that, past. We worked on what is today and what could be my future. She would ask me thought provoking questions and tell me to listen to myself. I would think about them for days, and when the answer would come it was what I felt to be true, not what I thought I should feel. She helped me find the tools to build the next stage of my life. Now my present has clarity my future has goals. My sense of self is more confident. I am no longer feeling like a doormat now I feel I can move like a flying carpet. Every time I think of Maryna a sense of calm comes over me; it is wonderful. She is an amazing person and I shall always be thankful for being given the gift of her insight.
Patrice Sipos (www.checksandbalances-sipos.com)